Stroopwafel: A delicious dessert
What are Stroopwafels? -
Stroopwafels, otherwise known as syrup waffles, are a Dutch dessert that are unique to the Netherlands. They are made up of two thin waffles that are glued together with a "special caramel syrup." Honey or hazelnuts could also be added to them for added flavor. They could also be dipped in chocolate, along with many other delicious combinations. Often the stroopwafel is eaten at room temperature, or warmed over a cup of coffee or tea. This is done by placing the round cookie onto the top of the cup and allowing the heat to warm it up. (As seen in the picture on the left.) This is done in order to allow the caramel interior to melt so that the cookie becomes a gooey treat. If you aren't able to wait to chow down, eating them out of the box is also delicious.

A Background on Stroopwafels -
Stroopwafels have a history that dates back to 1784 to a town called Gouda. A baker used leftover crumbs and spices to create the waffles, which he then filled with caramel, creating the cookie. This pastry become extremely popular in this time due to the fact that it was able to be made out of leftover crumbs. Because of their easy production, stroopwafels were most popular among the poorer population of the town. Stroopwafels in the United States today, although rare, are available in some grocery stores and are usually purchasable in packs. There are a few stores around the country that make stroopwafels, such as The Good Patch, a store located in Brooklyn.
Mallinger, Olivia, “Stroopwafel Recipe - What It Is & Other Dutch Foods.” Eating Europe, March 20, 2014.
“Why Stroopwafels Are One The World's Greatest Cookies.” HuffPost. HuffPost, December 7, 2017.
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